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A word that I have just coined, to denote a presentation that is neither still image nor moving image, but somewhere between the two. The philm is a sequence of still images, but not an animation. An animation is a sequence of still images that recreate the actuality of a live movie, by re-creating the movement in a real movie. Still images are a movie that re-create the still image perhaps. At any point one can move through the sequence, or stop and look at an individual image. The experience of a philm is tactile - it is the scrubbing through with the finger or mouse. The philm might be the child of the zoetrope or flip book, phlipbook... a pook, as in photobook.

2001 a space odyssey

The black stone on the moon in 2001, omnipresent, menacing, powerful. I am struck by the similarity between the polished granite stone in 2001, and the current digital gadgets, the phones and MP3 players; the iPhone and iPod especially, and some of the more expensive, perhaps more desirable mobile phones and pda's.

the egg

a perfect shape for the job that it does, and such a beautiful object to hold - brown or white, no difference - why would we go for the brown?


Thoughts from this mornings walk around touch - the jumping up and down of the brushes on the site. Clicking buttons - that button thing, the magic of going from one place to another, being in control. How does this fit with play - with desirable objects - my penknife - the Pitt Rivers.

Objects in the Pitt rivers - ornamentation, treasure, collect, pebble - the pebble from pre history story.

the scrubbing - touch in that - the fact that Apple call their ipod the touch.
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