EC Container 2
EC Container 3
EC Container 4

5th May

Right it is Wednesday 5th of May I am walking up the hill I don't feel this morning like I've got a great deal more to say on the work that I'm doing on the MA because so many other things crowd in this time of year and make it difficult for me to concentrate I want a month off now do it all wrapped up to my satisfaction which would be impossible because I'm impossible to satisfy although I can relate to feeling I had this weekend that to me finishing the MA now it is sort of irrelevant I'm already on to next year and thinking about next year and no matter what the outcome of this MA there is so much that I have gained from it way more than what I set out thinking I might achieve err that it has been an extremely useful experience for me there are lots of loose ends some of which make me quite cross the iPhone apps in particular because I still think that my iPhone app is a brilliant idea and I would very much like to develop it and maybe I can for next year but that thread of the MA has receded a bit as the photoshoppingpong has come to the fore and photoshoppingpong is really beginning to take off from my point of view again looking towards next year I will need to get more students involved to turn it back towards students and hope that it's not too much work for me to keep a pottering along but slowly getting lost in the play activity of creating photo shop files painting with digital paint really enjoying the ideas has been a fantastic experience just having that element of game gives a little bit of the incentive that is needed to get me creating to get me into that state and I have myself always needed that he's never been quite good enough that I'm just doing it for the sake of doing it I need that little bit more incentive whether it's working towards a degree or an A-level or GCSE or whatever her or whether it's doing it because there's something else or someone else on the horizon with the rather stupid amount of work that I put in over the weekend to the BAL library presentation that I created which in many ways was way way over the top a .doc document properly would work just as well but I spent very many hours producing the pressie presentation for the Olympic Museum and I will put it into the MA somewhere because it is definitely part of it from my point of view maybe not for marking point of view but it does encompass a lot of thoughts that have I been having with this thought in particular that I do something like that because there's a very slight outside motivation to produce the work I'm thinking of someone else or thinking of a target audience as I do it at the same time mostly doing it for its own sake because it's so way over the top so perfectionist and no one is ever going to really look at it that closely unless of course I make use of it myself for next year perhaps working with a history teaches the idea of the timeline dropping things into the timeline organising your brain space three dimensionally rather than two dimensionally I think that's the main thing that's perhaps the main thing the essence to get into the MA is this idea of three-dimensional space three-dimensional patterns as the brain is a three-dimensional object and we're still in a two-dimensional space often with our computers it's still print based or computer based on a two-dimensional model that comes from the written word and the book and then the screen and while film added linear time it was time that went from here to there a not time the you could jump about in and the beauty of the prezi is that you can jump from place to place and the prezi in relation to timeline as you can jump from place to place within that timeline from era to era and it zooms and out in this beautiful way
EC Container 5
EC Container 6