1. Create a set of criteria which you feel could be used to describe the nature of your practice. It is important that you attend the relevant taught sessions in order to discuss the development and application of such criteria as a means of researching a contextual framework for your practice.

2. Using your set of criteria, research a long list of at least 20 practitioners whose methods meet at least three of five criteria. It is important at this stage to think laterally in the application of the criteria and the selection of the longlist. Look for artists/writers/filmmakers/theorists working in a range of different disciplines.

3. Having selected the longlist, make a shortlist of five whose methods most closely reflect the spirit of the criteria identified under 1. Again try not to choose the most familiar examples, but study to find those people whose methods and work may unexpectedly meet your criteria.

4. Record the process in your critical journal, making certain that you keep a running list of key texts, artworks and artefacts you have looked at in order to reach your conclusions.

Flash presentation of critera
Flash presentation of artists

The links below are the sites that I have visited in drawing up my long list of artists, and tags that I have added that define or describe each choice.

Bill Viola video - new media / inspiring exhibition
HN Werkmann print / Dada / personal connection
Bruce Nauman experimental media / sound-scape
Marcel Duchamp readymades / Dada / alter ego
Lotte Reininger animation / silhouette / simple paper manipulation
Elliot Erwitt photography / humour / juxtaposition / capturing the moment / inspiring exhibition
Duane Michals photography / boxes / sequences / narrative
Pes stop frame animation / narrative
John Heartfield collage / political
Norman McLaren stop frame animation / personal connection
Aardman animation / characterisation / shorts / website
Helen Chadwick collage / use of new media (photocopy machine) self image / personal connection
Steve Caplin digital cut and paste (photoshop) trompe-l'œil website
Roger McGough humour / narrative / personal connection
Peter Rush animation / puppetry / personal connection
Alfred Wallis naive / personal connection
Outsiders naive / objet trouvé / personal connection / inspiring exhibition
Michael Nedjar Puppets, Objet Trouve, connection with animation / brothers Quay
Madge Gill lino print feel - connection to Edward Gorey
Richard Long spiritual / conceptual / personal connection
Lydia Corbett naive / anima / personal connection
Auguste Rodin erotic / watercolour
Tim Hunkin humour / machines / website
W. Heath Robinson humour / machines
Kim Cavanaugh digital / blog
Joseph Cornell objet trouvé / boxes
anim8ted digital / animation
Kurt Schwitters collage / Dada
Picasso energy / invention / inspiring exhibition
Rothko sensation / inspiring exhibition
Edward Gorey gothic / illustration / quirky / narrative
Alex Hughes-Games photography / digital media / student
Liliya Zakharova photography / digital media / student
Julian Opie animation / digital
David Hiscock photography and paint
Eric Gill erotic / print / typography
Jim Dine personal connection
Walter Stallwitz photography and paint
Robert Rauschenberg collage / mixed media Obituary in New York Times
Joseph Beuys collage / teaching
Buffy Sainte-Marie personal / digital
Raoul Hausmann collage
Rembrandt personal / sensuous / introspection
Jack Youngblood digital media / personal connection
Patrick Caulfield Painting / personal connection
Richard Hamilton collage / digital media
Kerry J Andrews digital media
Brenda Laurel digital media
Bernardo Bertolucci film / erotic
Sempe cartoon / childhood hero
Georges Remi - aka Hergé cartoon / childhood hero
Oliver Postgate animation / personal connection
Serge Danot animation / childhood hero
The Brothers Quay animation
Jean Michael Basquait passion / naive
Jan Švankmajer animation / objet trouvé /
David Mach collage / montage
Peter Blake collage / montage / collecting / anima / erotic
Pierre Bonnard naive / figures

Notes on artists and criteria -

Look at Saatchi and naive art - perhaps Jean Dubuffet and Philip Guston or Jean Michael Basquait

The Criteria -

innovative use of technology
cross over between traditional and technological
cross over between photography / computer and the hand made.
Sound Landscape and Installation
objet trouvé and trash art

Digital school work
photography school work and my own photography
Life Drawing my own work
Animation school
Human - people/relationships me
Erotic / anima me
Humour/Quirky school me and my own work

artists I like and admire - or hate and admire

relevant to my art work
relevent to my school work

The box like space - the picture plane, limited depth mysterious, doorways, feelings and sensations the moment and the eye, people watching

Digital Art Museum (DAM)